I have the following simple kml which references an image file that I would like to overlay on a map view:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2">
<name>Map Overlay</name><open>0</open>
<overlayXY x="0" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<screenXY x="0" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<size x="-1" y="-1" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
Can anyone let me know how I can render this image view on an iPhone similar to how this file is displayed on google earth.
To get your KML into IOS Google Earth
1) Go to Google Maps http://maps.google.com/
2) Choose "My Maps"
2) Choose "make a new map"
3) Click on "import".
4) Choose the kml/kmz file you wish to add.
5) In the iphone/ipad Google Earth Application choose "Layers"
6) Choose "My Maps".
Your imported kml/kmz data will now show in the IOS application just like in the full Google Earth Client.