I don't have much experience on Java based enterprise desktop applications. I need to create an enterprise application with the database. Can you please tell me what are the technologies (hibernate, spring), design patterns that I need to use to create then enterprise java desktop application. Also I want to know about how can I create a final installer for this application on windows
Despite you question is too general i will give it a try:
Java desktop: As front end you have:
- swing (very mature and stable ,with a lot of samples documentation)
- javafx (latest thing , but not very popular yet)
- jambi qt (a java wrapper over Qt ,ui framework).
There are other scripting languages that offer implementations over swing.
Now you desktop app might be : a fat client or a thin client :) Shortly fat client handles a lot of logic on client side compared to thin client who is more used only as a presentation view. Fat cleints were popular before web era in the so called 2 tier architectures. Thing client were popular before the era of RIA Desktop apps. (GWT,FLex)
On server side if you use java you have an immensity of choices: for persistance layer Hibernate,Eclipse Link with or without JPA2,Ibatis... Spring or Jee6 you can choose as frameworks for all sever side layers...cause they have everything :)
However If you rephrase you question people might gave you more concrete answers