Here is the situation: I have a class MainView (which is a UIViewController) and call from it an UIActionSheetDelegate class. I want to use the method presentViewController, but the following code does not work (currently being called in the ActionSheet class):
[self presentViewController:myViewController animated:YES];
I am a little confused regarding where I should call the method from (MainView or the ActionSheetDeleg开发者_StackOverflowate).
Thanks in advance.
You call the method on the UIViewController that is your MainView, and pass it your UIViewController you want to be the ActionSheet.
[mainViewController presentViewController:actionSheetController animated:YES];
To dismiss the UIActionSheet, dimissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated:
is a method for the UIActionSheet that you can implement. The method can be called by whoever (so if you want to dismiss it from your mainview have a reference to the action sheet and do something like [self.myActionSheet dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:0 animated:YES];
The method is also called whenever the 'cancel' button is clicked by the user.