I've got a problem with fresh install of SQL Server.
Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=S开发者_JAVA技巧GGW.USS;Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false
but this works
Data Source=.\EOGSQL;Initial Catalog=SGGW.USS;Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false
EOGSQL is my local machine only running SqlServer Database
(local) is actually a keyword and not a specific reference to the local machine (although it seems that way sometimes by how it is used). Here is more information about what it really means:
In your case, the issue is that (local) refers to the machine and default instance while .\EOGSQL
refers to an instance on your local machine (local machine is designated by the period). Basically, this is working as intended.
The problem is that you have installed SQL SERVER on a named instance instead of using the default instance ( local or .)
Hope this helps
You have a Named Instance, so the connection string must be MachineName\InstanceName, or ip instead of machine name for that matter.