I want to create a page in Joomla that displays only one specified module on a page and nothing more. I was trying to insert module in an article but it's not working because plugins are also adding content to an article, and I don't want to turn them off. MAybe I should create a template with a new position, and override default template on that specific 开发者_如何转开发page but maybe there's a better solution. Any ideas?
Joomla is coded to either expect an article or the output of a component on every page. I don't completely understand why you can't just insert a blank article with the {loadposition module_position}
code unless your plugins are automatically generating content for articles. I'm used to plugins that only work when their plugin code is added to an article. Anyway, assuming that your plugins are automatically adding content to your Joomla articles, then the simple solution might be to add a new component like Zoo and use the "Pages" app to create a blank/no-title item that contains the {loadposition xx}
code, then link your menu item to that Zoo item.
Have you checked the parameters of the article? Those should allow you to turn off the title, author, icons, date, and other elements that may be appearing.
I think it can be possible by this condition in index.php countModules('condition')) { ?> do something do something else
you can put what you want in this module and according to this condtion you have to only insert module name in countModules('your module Name') followed by bhe code in the braces. and for rest of pages you can put your code in the else part.