I have developed an extension for opera which lets users to "Google +1" websites. It works fine on stable opera releases,but it crashes opera when run on alpha releases(Opera Next). The extension passed the moderation and its published,now users are complaining that it crashes with Opera 11.50 which is a alpha release.
Im trying to find ways to fix it,But i only have the crash log to detect where the problem is occuring.
Here is the full crash log(paste bin is giving problems,didnt know where to upload): http://www.mediafire.com/?y3zzn4it1662t4u
Crash log:
OPERA-CRASHLOG V1 desktop 11.50 1027 windows
Opera.exe 1027 (1) caused exception C0000005 at address 73002000 (Base: 90000)
EAX=6DEE0167 EBX=063DABD8 ECX=06AF77C0 EDX=004AE5B4 ESI=00000000
EDI=033C1500 EBP=004AE5C8 ESP=004AE5AC EIP=73002000 FLAGS=00010206
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
FPU stack:
4015A584B00000000000 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000
00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 4007E273560000000000
40038000000000000000 BFF8A200000000000000 SW=4026 CW=027F
Stack dump:
004AE5AC 6D50F2A3 004AE5B4 00000000 033C1500 £òPm´åJ......<
004AE5BC 033C1500 00000000 004AE680 >004AE680 .<....۾J.۾J.
004AE5CC 6D725605 00000000 6D56BFEC 0335DE28 Vrm....ì¿Vm(Þ5
004AE5DC 02E46FA8 063DABC0 004AE688 063DABA0 ¨oäÀ«=ˆæJ. «=
004AE5EC 00000000 00000000 033C1500 00000000 .........<....
004AE5FC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
004AE60C 6DC6A185 00000001 02E46FD8 066324C0 …¡Æm...ØoäÀ$c
004AE61C 00000000 00000000 005889D0 00000001 ........ЉX....
004AE62C D155E764 D155E764 004AE674 06B028D0 dçUÑdçUÑtæJ.Ð(°
004AE63C 0288EC08 02980B48 77A42907 77A69684 ìˆH.˜)¤w„–¦w
004AE64C 004AE67C 6DC6A2F3 02981760 06B028D0 |æJ.ó¢Æm`˜Ð(°
004AE65C 02E46FD8 06B028D0 06B028DC 02980B48 ØoäÐ(°Ü(°H.˜
If anyone want to analyze my extension:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Window onload event listener */
window.addEventListener("load", function()
var theButton;
/* Button properties */
var ToolbarUIItemProperties = {
title: "+1 this page", /*Button title */
icon: "icons/icon_16.png", /*Button icon */
popup: {href: "popup.html", width: 70, height: 90}, /* popup properties */
badge: { /* badge properties (not useful right just incase) */
textContent: '',
backgroundColor: '#006',
color: '#ff6',
display: 'block'
theButton = opera.contexts.toolbar.createItem(ToolbarUIItemProperties);
opera.contexts.toolbar.addItem(theButton); /*Add button to toolbar */
/* listen for onconnect */
opera.extension.onconnect = function(event){
try {
/* get current focused tab and post it*/
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"> /* Load plusone.js */
{parsetags: 'explicit'} /* Define explicit render */
<div id="plusOneContainer"><!-- Container to place the result -->
<g:plusone href="http://www.google.com" size="tall"></g:plusone>
<!-- <img src="icons/loader.gif" alt="Loading..." width=100% /> Loading image -->
/* Window onload event listener */
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
/*Listen for message */
opera.extension.onmessage = function(event){
var url=event.data; /* get current tab url */
/* document.getElementById("plusOneContainer").in开发者_如何学JAVAnerHTML = '<g:plusone href="' + url + '" size="tall"></g:plusone>'; render tag */
}, false);
<script type="text/javascript">
function render() {
gapi.plusone.go(); /* This renders all +1 tags */
window.onload = window.setTimeout(render, 100);
The crash is known as CORE-39188 in Opera's bugtracker, and it will hopefully get fixed before the final 11.50 release.