Many of my pages contains an actions element like the example below.
I was wondering if it would be possible to refactor this into a helper or partia开发者_C百科l. At first it looks very simple - just create a helper that wraps the button div. However I can't figure out how I can wrap the actions div when all the buttons has been rendered. Guess it has to be cached or something.
<div class="actions">
<div class="button box shadow">
<span class="customclass1"></span>
<a href="/">button1</a>
<div class="button box shadow">
<span class="customclass2"></span>
<a href="/">button2</a>
<div class="button box shadow">
<span class="customclass3"></span>
<a href="/">button3</a>
... maybe another button
UPDATE: This is how I did it after some playing around:
<% button 'ui-icon-plusthick', (link_to "New", new_art_path) %>
<% button 'ui-icon-pencil', (link_to "Edit", edit_art_path(@art)) %>
<% button 'ui-icon-trash', (link_to 'Destroy', @art, method: :delete) %>
<%= display_actions %>
def button(ui_icon_class, link)
if @buttons.nil? then @buttons = '' end
@buttons += ('
<div class="unit mrm ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all">
<span class="ui-icon ' + ui_icon_class + '"></span>' + link +
def display_actions
unless @buttons.nil?
('<div class="line mlm mbm ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset ui-accordion- icons">' +
@buttons +
This way I can very easy add checks - hide links that the user don't have permission to use.
<% button 'ui-icon-trash', (link_to 'Destroy', @art, method: :delete) if can? :destroy, @art %>
Best regards. Asbjørn Morell
Is this the kind of thing you're after?
Your view:
<div class="actions">
<% render 'button', :custom_class => "customclass1", :button_text => "button1" %>
<% render 'button', :custom_class => "customclass2", :button_text => "button2" %>
... etc.
<div class="button box shadow">
<span class="<%= custom_class %>"></span>
<a href="/"><%= button_text %></a>
You could then refactor further if you wished by creating a helper to which you just pass options and that takes care of rendering the button partial with the correct options.
Something like:
Your view:
<% display_actions(['someclass1', 'button1'], ['someclass2', 'button2']) %>
You helper:
def display_actions(*options)
html = '<div class="actions">'
options.each do |opt|
# Not tested, but you get the idea
html += render('button', :custom_class => opt.first, :button_text => opt.last)
html += '</div>'