Is there a way to log the actual queries that are produced by the MongoDB C# driver and sent to the mongodb? Like in开发者_JS百科 SQL Server, you have SQL Profiler that shows you all the incoming queries.
You can enable profiling and see actual queries in mongodb log as @pingw33n suggested.
Or you can create extention method for collection.Find and log data there:
public static class MongodbExtentions
public static MongoCursor<T> FindAsAndLogQuery<T>(this MongoCollection<T> coll,
IMongoQuery query)
var queryString = query.ToJson();
//log query here , insert into mongodb, etc ...
return coll.FindAs<T>(query);
Extension method @Andrew suggested would only work for FIND queries. From MongoDB 3.2 you can do something like below which will work for all queries.
private static void LogQuery<TEntity>(string queryType, FilterDefinition<TEntity> filter,
UpdateDefinition<TEntity> update, IMongoCollection<TEntity> collection)
where TEntity : class, new()
var renderedFilter = filter.Render(collection.DocumentSerializer, collection.Settings.SerializerRegistry);
var renderUpdate = update.Render(collection.DocumentSerializer, collection.Settings.SerializerRegistry);
// Log you shell scrip as string to a file or DB
$"use {collection.Database.DatabaseNamespace.DatabaseName} db.{collection.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName}.{queryType}({renderedFilter.ToJson()},{renderUpdate.ToJson()})");