I have the following in a wsdl provdided by my service provider:
<xsd:import namespace="http://web-service-provider.com/2004/10/10" schemaLocation="ASchemas.xsd"/>
<xsd:import namespace="http://web-service-provider.com/2004/10/10" schemaLocation="BSchemas.xsd"/>
<xsd:import namespace="http://web-service-provider.com/2004/10/10" schemaLocation="CSchemas.xsd"/>
and I get the following error when the SoapClient tries to parse the wsdl:
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: unexpected <import> in schema</import>
What exactly does this mean?
The representative url for the various resources are:
wsdl (short url): https://开发者_Python百科service-provider.com/services/serviceA?wsdl
wsdl (long url): https://service-provider.com/services/serviceA/wsdl/serviceA.wsdl
xsd's: https://service-provider.com/services/serviceA/wsdl/ASchemas.xsd
php version: 5.3.5
This from my service provider:
Your soap client is not resolving the web reference (schema import etc) correctly and causing this problem. Either you need to fix this reference issue on the client side or try a different URL structure or try to parse by removing the schema reference from WSDL if possible
Hmpph. Not happy with that answer