I have user entries as filenames. Of course this is not a good idea, so I want to drop everything except [a-z]
, [A-Z]
, [0-9]
, _
and -
For instance:
my§document$is°° very&interesting___thisIs%nice445.doc.pdf
should bec开发者_开发百科ome
and then ideally
Is there a nice and elegant way for doing this?
I'd like to suggest a solution that differs from the old one. Note that the old one uses the deprecated returning
. By the way, it's anyway specific to Rails, and you didn't explicitly mention Rails in your question (only as a tag). Also, the existing solution fails to encode .doc.pdf
into _doc.pdf
, as you requested. And, of course, it doesn't collapse the underscores into one.
Here's my solution:
def sanitize_filename(filename)
# Split the name when finding a period which is preceded by some
# character, and is followed by some character other than a period,
# if there is no following period that is followed by something
# other than a period (yeah, confusing, I know)
fn = filename.split /(?<=.)\.(?=[^.])(?!.*\.[^.])/m
# We now have one or two parts (depending on whether we could find
# a suitable period). For each of these parts, replace any unwanted
# sequence of characters with an underscore
fn.map! { |s| s.gsub /[^a-z0-9\-]+/i, '_' }
# Finally, join the parts with a period and return the result
return fn.join '.'
You haven't specified all the details about the conversion. Thus, I'm making the following assumptions:
- There should be at most one filename extension, which means that there should be at most one period in the filename
- Trailing periods do not mark the start of an extension
- Leading periods do not mark the start of an extension
- Any sequence of characters beyond
should be collapsed into a single_
(i.e. underscore is itself regarded as a disallowed character, and the string'$%__°#'
would become'_'
– rather than'___'
from the parts'$%'
The complicated part of this is where I split the filename into the main part and extension. With the help of a regular expression, I'm searching for the last period, which is followed by something else than a period, so that there are no following periods matching the same criteria in the string. It must, however, be preceded by some character to make sure it's not the first character in the string.
My results from testing the function:
1.9.3p125 :006 > sanitize_filename 'my§document$is°° very&interesting___thisIs%nice445.doc.pdf'
=> "my_document_is_very_interesting_thisIs_nice445_doc.pdf"
which I think is what you requested. I hope this is nice and elegant enough.
From http://web.archive.org/web/20110529023841/http://devblog.muziboo.com/2008/06/17/attachment-fu-sanitize-filename-regex-and-unicode-gotcha/:
def sanitize_filename(filename)
returning filename.strip do |name|
# NOTE: File.basename doesn't work right with Windows paths on Unix
# get only the filename, not the whole path
name.gsub!(/^.*(\\|\/)/, '')
# Strip out the non-ascii character
name.gsub!(/[^0-9A-Za-z.\-]/, '_')
In Rails you might also be able to use ActiveStorage::Filename#sanitized
ActiveStorage::Filename.new("foo:bar.jpg").sanitized # => "foo-bar.jpg"
ActiveStorage::Filename.new("foo/bar.jpg").sanitized # => "foo-bar.jpg"
If you use Rails you can also use String#parameterize. This is not particularly intended for that, but you will obtain a satisfying result.
"my§document$is°° very&interesting___thisIs%nice445.doc.pdf".parameterize
For Rails I found myself wanting to keep any file extensions but using parameterize
for the remainder of the characters:
filename = "my§doc$is°° very&itng___thsIs%nie445.doc.pdf"
cleaned = filename.split(".").map(&:parameterize).join(".")
Implementation details and ideas see source: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/transliterate.rb
def parameterize(string, separator: "-", preserve_case: false)
# Turn unwanted chars into the separator.
parameterized_string.gsub!(/[^a-z0-9\-_]+/i, separator)
#... some more stuff
If your goal is just to generate a filename that is "safe" to use on all operating systems (and not to remove any and all non-ASCII characters), then I would recommend the zaru gem. It doesn't do everything the original question specifies, but the filename produced should be safe to use (and still keep any filename-safe unicode characters untouched):
Zaru.sanitize! " what\ēver//wëird:user:înput:"
# => "whatēverwëirduserînput"
Zaru.sanitize! "my§docu*ment$is°° very&interes:ting___thisIs%nice445.doc.pdf"
# => "my§document$is°° very&interesting___thisIs%nice445.doc.pdf"
There is a library that may be helpful, especially if you're interested in replacing weird Unicode characters with ASCII: unidecode.
irb(main):001:0> require 'unidecoder'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> "Grzegżółka".to_ascii
=> "Grzegzolka"