I have a problem in the game I wrote with XNA. I recently added Textured polygons, and saw that every textured polygon shared the same texture although I changed it before calling. The code I am using:
if (countMeshes > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < countMeshes; i++)
TexturedMesh curMesh = listMeshes[i];
if (curMesh.tex == null)
drawEffect.Texture = WHITE_TEXTURE;
开发者_高级运维 }
drawEffect.Texture = curMesh.tex;
graphics.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, curMesh.verts, 0, curMesh.count);
Now, the first that came into my mind would be to create a BasicEffect for each Texture I need to draw. But I think that would be a bit of a overkill so my question is: How should I do it?
PS: I double checked everything, the UV Coords are fine, and it is 2D.
It seems to be the only way, the way I did it was to create a Dictionary with the texture as the key and a struct of a basic effect and a list of Vertexs as the value.
Something like this:
public struct MeshEffect
public TexturedMesh mesh;
public BasicEffect effect;
and the Dictionary:
private Dictionary<Texture2D, MeshEffect> texturedMeshes = new Dictionary<Texture2D, MeshEffect>();
But it all really depends on how you handle drawing, but one thing is sure, you can't use more than one texture on one BasicEffect.