I have seen a few that only have the checkout functions and options to view the diff
and revisions but none with the option to commit
changes开发者_如何学Python, so my question:
Any PHP svn GUI with commit functionally?
to simplify even more:
i need a browser-based interface to a SVN repo that supports write operations, do you know of any?
I suspect the reason one doesn't exist is because it'd be clumsy to use.
You wouldn't have direct file system access (I don't think even Flash or Silverlight provide that, but I could be wrong), so you'd need to upload the files you want to commit or diff.
If you're not using any browser plugins you'd be further limited to uploading a single file at a time, which isn't the way SVN is meant to work. You commit a whole changeset, not one file at a time.
The only feasible way to do this I guess is to have your working copy also on the server and do your editing in the browser as well. At which point though you're not looking for just a web SVN GUI, you're looking for a web-based IDE that has SVN support.
The closest I've been able to find is this http://kodingen.com/ which is still in beta, and looks like it plans to have SVN support but it's not currently available in the beta version (at the time of this answer)