I have a class project that uses Windows Forms to create a GUI that controls a second form. The second form is a DrawingForm with a bitmap. Using a backgroundworker, I am drawing random, continuous Bezier curves all over the bitmap. It is a simple program, so it is able to draw them quickly, hundreds per second. I would like to add a slider bar that would allow me to control how fast the lines paint. In other words, I dont want to set up each curve to be drawn on a timer, which would cause it to appear to stop and start hundreds of times a second. I have exhausted myself searching google, any tips on how to do this would be awesome. Thanks!
Edit: Here is a code snippet. This code is in my class for my drawing form. Its constructor is called from my main GUI/user control class.
// this is the code executed by the background thread
// it can run continously without hanging the user interface thread
// except that it draws to a bit开发者_运维技巧map (with the bMapDC) instead of to the form
private void backgroundWorkerDrawing_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
if (scribbleOn == true)
curveColor = changeColor(curveColor);
Pen pen = new Pen(curveColor, penThickness);
if (i == 0) // initial curve should start in center, the rest of the points will be random
lastX = GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapWidth); //used to store the x coordinate where the curve ends
lastY = GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapHeight); //used to store the y coordinate where the curve ends
bMapDC.DrawBezier(pen, initialX, initialY, GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapWidth), GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapHeight),
GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapWidth), GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapHeight), lastX, lastY);
if (i > 0) // used for all curves after the first one.
int tempX = GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapWidth); //used to store the x coordinate where the curve ends
int tempY = GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapHeight); //used to store the y coordinate where the curve ends
bMapDC.DrawBezier(pen, lastX, lastY, GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapWidth), GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapHeight),
GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapWidth), GUI.rand.Next(0, bMapHeight), tempX, tempY);
lastX = tempX; // sets the last x coordinate of the last curve for next loop
lastY = tempY; // sets the last y coordinate of the last curve for next loop
pen.Dispose(); // free up resources from the pen object
else i = 0;
// timer event handler causes the form to be repreatedly invalidated
// This causes the paint event handler to keep going off,
// which causes the bMap that is continously being drawn to
// by the background thread to be continously redisplayed in the form.
// We will see other ways to do this that may be better.
private void timerInvalidate_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void DrawingForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
lock (bMap)
bMapHeight = bMap.Height; // set the vars that keep track of the size of the bMap
bMapWidth = bMap.Width;
initialX = bMapWidth / 2; // start the curve at the center of the bMap
initialY = bMapHeight / 2;
bMapDC = Graphics.FromImage(bMap); // setup the DC (device context) to allow drawing to the bMap)
backgroundWorkerDrawing.RunWorkerAsync(); // start the background thread
timerInvalidate.Enabled = true; // start the timer that will cause periodic Invalidates
You can make thread and use sleep
private Thread SimulaciaArts;
public Animation(){
public SpleepValue { get; set;}
SimulaciaArts = new Thread(new ThreadStart(simuluj));
public void simuluj(){
and in gui you must use delegate
delegate void Invoker();
private void setSpeed()
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.BeginInvoke(new Invoker(setSpeed));
Hope it is good.