
SQL - How to escape parentheses in PostgreSQL

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-11 09:24 出处:网络
I have the following sql command, i need to escape parentheses in PostgreSQL, how can i do that? SEL开发者_如何学编程ECT rua

I have the following sql command, i need to escape parentheses in PostgreSQL, how can i do that?

SEL开发者_如何学编程ECT rua 
  FROM logradouros 
 WHERE rua ~* 'Antonio De Sant\'Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)' 
 LIMIT 100;

Use backslash to escape parentheses. Note that if standard_conforming_strings parameter is set to off (which is default behaviour up to PostgreSQL 9.1) you need use two backslashes \\.

Generally there are three approaches how to escape parentheses:

  • ordinary 'pattern' syntax, which is dependent on standard_conforming_strings setting
  • escape string constant e.g. E'pattern'
  • dollar-quoted string constants $$pattern$$ or $sometext$pattern$sometext$

The first one is standard SQL (especially with standard_conforming_strings), others are PostgreSQL extensions. Choose whatever method you like.

Here you have some examples:

SET standard_conforming_strings = 0;

'Antonio De Sant''Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)'
'Antonio De Sant\'Ana Galvao Av Frei \\(Av 01 Parte A\\)'

SET standard_conforming_strings = 1;

'Antonio De Sant''Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)'
'Antonio De Sant''Ana Galvao Av Frei \(Av 01 Parte A\)'

'Antonio De Sant''Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)'
E'Antonio De Sant\'Ana Galvao Av Frei \\(Av 01 Parte A\\)'

'Antonio De Sant''Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)'
$$Antonio De Sant'Ana Galvao Av Frei \(Av 01 Parte A\)$$

SET standard_conforming_strings = default;

Generally speaking, dollar quoting is your best bet. Observe:

SELECT $STR$Antonio De Sant\'Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)$STR$;
 Antonio De Sant\'Ana Galvao Av Frei (Av 01 Parte A)
(1 row)

Try this:

SELECT rua from logradouros where rua ~* E'Antonio De Sant\'Ana Galvao Av Frei \(Av 01 Parte A\)' limit 100;

Reference: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html

Although every other response helps, I just think that using quoting functions is the 'proper' way of doing it.

from docs:

quote_literal(string text) text Return the given string suitably quoted to be used as a string literal in an SQL statement string. Embedded single-quotes and backslashes are properly doubled. Note that quote_literal returns null on null input; if the argument might be null, quote_nullable is often more suitable. See also Example 39-1. quote_literal(E'O\'Reilly') 'O''Reilly'

just use 2 ' '

select * from games where name = 'Ahmed''s Salah'

backslash(es) didn't work for me

As for the regex, You gotta use double backslashes right in front of the parentheses!!


select regexp_matches('FOREIGN KEY (user_transaction_id) REFERENCES landing.user_transactions(id)', E'FOREIGN KEY \\((.*)\\) REFERENCES (.*)\\((.*)\\)', 'g');




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