I have currently found a way to place the currently installation of Internet Explorer into kiosk mode using asp.net and VB
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore", "-k " & "http://www.开发者_开发技巧google.co.uk")
the "-k" parameter is the command that puts the browser into kiosk mode, however, other browsers such as chrome will only put the new instance of the page into another tab and firefox just opens the browser without loading the window. I need to know what commands to pass so that chrome and firefox will respond in the same way as IE.
Many thanks
Chrome browser can do KIOSK mode with this command.
chrome.exe --chrome-frame -kiosk "your web page".
The good thing with Chrome is that you can build apps that can use the webkit animation and they look great for a KIOSK type applications.
It sounds like you might be interested in Windows Steady State, it's discontinued and doesn't run on win 7, but if you have XP or vista, it will let you lock down the PC nice and tight. This way you can restrict the use of programs to browsers you want (if you can't lock down chrome and ff) and on a reboot, it will clear any changes to the PC, basically returning you to a clean state status
Read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_SteadyState