Is it possible to have a condition in a map function?
For example :
map (> 0 < 100 )[1..10]
开发者_JAVA百科If it's not possible, how could one achieve this?
A good way to express multiple filter conditions are for comprehensions, e.g.
[k | k <- [1..10], k > 2, k < 7]
You can avoid the lambda expression as well using Applicative
, which allows to "feed" a single argument to several functions:
import Control.Applicative
filter ((&&) <$> (>2) <*> (<7)) [1..10]
This can be extended for multiple tests in the following slighty cryptic way:
import Control.Applicative
filter (and . ([ (>2) , (<7) , odd ] <*>) . pure) [1..10]
Of course after filtering you can map the list in any way you like.
If you want to show off, you can use Arrows as well:
import Control.Arrow
filter ((>2) &&& (<7) >>> uncurry (&&)) [1..10]
Not quite like that, I presume you are trying to get a boolean indicating whether the value is greater than 0 and less than 100? You have several options:
You can name a function
condition :: Int -> Bool
condition x = x > 0 && x < 100
map condition [1..10]
You can use a lambda
map (\x -> x > 0 && x < 100) [1..10]
You can use Data.Ix
and the inRange
import Data.Ix
-- inRange is inclusive.
map (inRange (1,99)) [1..10]
is used to map a function over a list. If you want to map a function only on the elements of a list that satisfy a condition, then you should probably use filter
map (+2) $ filter (>0) [-10..120]
or if you have more conditions that must all hold
map (+2) $ filter (>0) $ filter (<100) [-10..120]
or equivalently
map (+2) $ filter (\x -> x>0 && x<100) [-10..120]