I am developing an testing automation tool in linux system. I dont have write permissions for tomcat directory which is located on server. I need to develop an application where we can select an excel file so that the excel content is automatically stored in already existing table.
For this pupose i have written an form to select an file which is posted to a servlet CommonsFileUploadServlet where i am storing the uploaded file and then calling ReadExcelFile class which reads the file path and create a vector for data in file which is used to sstore data in database.
My problem is that i am not able to store the uploaded file in directory. Is it necessary to have permission rights for tomcat to do this. Can i store the file on my system and pass the path to ReadExcelFile.class
Please guide me
My code is as follows:
Form in jsp
CommonsFileUploadServlet class code:
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<h1>Servlet File Upload Example using Commons File Upload</h1>");
DiskFileItemFactory fileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory ();
fileItemFactory.setRepository(new File("/home/example/Documents/Project/WEB-INF/tmp"));
ServletFileUpload uploadHandler = new ServletFileUpload(fileItemFactory);
try {
List items = uploadHandler.parseRequest(request);
Iterator itr = items.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
FileItem item = (FileItem) itr.next();
if(item.isFormField()) {
out.println("File Name = "+item.getFieldName()+", Value = "+item.getString());
} else {
out.println("Field Name = "+item.getFieldName()+
", File Name = "+item.getName()+
", Content type = "+item.getContentType()+
", File Size = "+item.getSize());
File file = new File("/",item.getName());
String realPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/")+"/"+item.getName();
ReadExcelFile ref= new ReadExcelFile();
String res=ref.insertReq(realPath,"1");
}catch(FileUploadException ex) {
log("Error encountered while parsing the request",ex);
} catch(Exception ex) {
log("Error encountered while uploading file",ex);
} }
ReadExcelFile code:
public static String insertReq(String fileName,String sno) {
//Read an Excel File and Store in a Vector
Vector dataHolder=readExcelFile(fileName,sno);
//store the data to database
public static Vector readExcelFile(String fileName,String Sno)
/** --Define a Vector
--Holds Vectors Of Cells
Vector cellVectorHolder = new Vector();
/** Creating Input Stream**/
//InputStream myInput= ReadExcelFile.class.getResourceAsStream( fileName );
FileInputStream myInput = new FileInputStream(fileName);
/** Create a POIFSFileSystem object**/
POIFSFileSystem myFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(myInput);
/** Create a workbook using the File System**/
HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(myFileSystem);
int s=Integer.valueOf(Sno);
/** Get the first sheet from workbook**/
HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.getSheetAt(s);
/** We now need something to iterate through the cells.**/
Iterator rowIter = mySheet.rowIterator();
HSSFRow myRow = (HSSFRow) rowIter.next();
Iterator cellIter = myRow.cellIterator();
Vector cellStoreVector=new Vector();
short minColIndex = myRow.getFirstCellNum();
short maxColIndex = myRow.getLastCellNum();
for(short colIndex = minColIndex; colIndex < maxColIndex; colIndex++)
HSSFCell myCell = myRow.getCell(colIndex);
if(myCell == null)
}catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace(); }
return cellVectorHolder;
private static void storeCellDataToD开发者_JAVA技巧atabase(Vector dataHolder) {
Connection conn;
Statement stmt;
String query;
// get connection and declare statement
int z;
for (int i=1;i<dataHolder.size(); i++)
Vector cellStoreVector=(Vector)dataHolder.elementAt(i);
String []stringCellValue=new String[10];
for (int j=0; j < cellStoreVector.size();j++,z++)
HSSFCell myCell = (HSSFCell)cellStoreVector.elementAt(j);
stringCellValue[z]=" ";
stringCellValue[z] = myCell.toString();
//inserting into database
catch(Exception error)
String e="Error"+error;
catch(Exception error)
String e="Error"+error;
POI will happily open from an old InputStream, it needn't be a File one.
I'd suggest you look at the Commons FileUpload Streaming API and consider just passing the excel part straight to POI without touching the disk