i added hive package to my hadoop cluster. if i go into hive cli, i can run hive in remote mode. but queries going through hive server runs in local mode which is really slow... the only changes i did to hive is to set up derby network server, following this link: http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/H开发者_运维知识库iveDerbyServerMode i also have exported HADOOP_CONF_DIR, HADOOP_HOME, HIVE_CONF_DIR, HIVE_HOME in my environment...
anybody know how to fix this?
first follow the wiki page here to get things set up: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/HiveServer
it turns out there's an environment issue. i was running hive server using another user: sudo -u op but the system resets all environment variables for that user under sudo command. the fix i put in is to put environment variable names in env_keep in /etc/sudoers. after that hive server is running in remote mode now.