I am trying to grep a file for the first 2 matches of a string (there will only ever be a maximum 2 matches) including some context (grep -B 1 -A 5), split each set of 7 lines into two separate variables and write an if statement based on whether or not each set contains a different string.
In some cases, the file may contain only one match.
开发者_C百科I know how to grep for the two matches, but not how to split them into separate variables. I can also write an if statement to check if the variable is empty (indicating a lack of a second match). I am not sure how to check each variable to see if it contains the second string. Any assistance would be helpful. Thanks!
grep -B1 -A5 "Resolution:" file.txt
Color LCD:
Resolution: 1440 x 900
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Built-In: Yes
LED Cinema Display:
Resolution: 1920 x 1200
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Desired result based on whether or not each match set contains "Main Display":
$mainDisplay = Color LCD
$secondDisplay = LED Cinema Display (or null indicating no second match)
Your file is valid YAML, so if you have installed YAML perl module, here is an oneliner:
eval $(perl -MYAML -0777 -e '$r=Load(<>);map { exists($r->{$_}->{"Main Display"}) ? print "main=\"$_\";\n" : print "second=\"$_\";\n" } keys %$r' < filename.txt)
echo =$main= =$second=
so, after the eval, here are shell variables main
and second
or, exactly for your OS X, with system_profiler command:
eval $(
system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType |\
grep -B1 -A5 'Resolution:' |\
perl -MYAML -0777 -e '$r=Load(<>);map { printf "%s=\"%s\"\n", exists($r->{$_}->{"Main Display"}) ? "main" : "second", $_ } keys %$r'
echo =$main=$second=
my($first, $second) = split /--\n/, qx/grep -B1 -A5 foo data.text/;
awk -F : '
/^[^[:space:]]/ {current = $1; devices[$1]++}
$1 ~ /Main Display/ {main = current}
for (d in devices)
if (d == main)
print "mainDisplay=\"" d "\""
print "secondDisplay=\"" d "\""
mainDisplay="Color LCD"
secondDisplay="LED Cinema Display"
which you can capture and eval
in the shell.
Here's a perl solution. Use it like so: script.pl Resolution:
. Default search is "Resolution:".
The values are stored in %values
, for example:
$values{Color LCD}{Resolution} == "1440 x 900";
use strict;
use warnings;
my $grep = shift || "Resolution:";
my %values;
my $pre;
while (my $line = <DATA>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /$grep/) {
my @data;
push @data, scalar <DATA> for (0 .. 4);
chomp @data;
for my $pair ($line, @data) {
if ($pair =~ /^([^:]+): (.*)$/) {
$values{$pre}{$1} = $2;
} else { die "Unexpected data: $pair" }
} else {
$pre = $line;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \%values;
Color LCD:
Resolution: 1440 x 900
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Built-In: Yes
LED Cinema Display:
Resolution: 1920 x 1200
Depth: 32-Bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported