
Master-detail view using textBoxes and ADO

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-10 08:43 出处:网络
The problem I\'m fighting with is binding data from MySql to the textBoxes in C#. Using dataGridView it looks like that:

The problem I'm fighting with is binding data from MySql to the textBoxes in C#. Using dataGridView it looks like that:

DataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(commandString , connection);
DataAdapterDetail.Fill(dataSet1, "detail");                   
DataRelation Relation = new DataRelation("FK_Zadanie_Pracownik", 
bindingSource1.DataSource = dataSet1;
bindingSource1.DataMember = "show";
bindingSource2.DataSource = bindingSource1;
bindingSource2.DataMember = "FK_Zadanie_Pracownik";
dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;

And my question is how to do the same but using combobox with the first bindingSource, and the textbox with the second.


I was trying to do something like that, using DataRelations:

        DataRelation ZameldowaniaMieszkancy = new DataRelation("ZamMiesz", dsZameldowania.Tables["Zameldowania"].Columns["id_mieszkanca"], dsZameldowania.Tables["Mieszkancy"].Columns["id"], false); 
        bsOsoba = new BindingSource();
        bsOsoba.DataSource = dsZameldowania;
        bsOsoba.DataMember = "Zameldowania";

        design.comboBoxFiltrNazwisko.DataSource = bsOsoba;
        design.comboBoxFiltrNazwisko.ValueMember = "ZamMiesz.nazwiskoImie";
        design.comboBoxFiltrNazwisko.DisplayMember = "ZamMiesz.nazwiskoImie";

But it's showing me only the first result from the DB (only one row-to-row relation) and not all of them.

You can simply bind your dataset with ComboBox like this

mycombo.DataSource = dataSet1.Tables["show"];

After that you have to set DisplayMember and ValueMember of the ComboBox

mycombo.DisplayMember = "ColumnNameToDisplay";
mycombo.ValueMember = "ColumnNameForID";

For TextBox value you have to define specified column and row of the datatable Like this:

TextBox1.Text = dataSet1.Tables["show"].Rows[RowIndex]["Column Name"].ToString();

If dropdown and textbox is in Grid than you have to perform the same thing in RowDataBoundEvent of Grid.

maybe you want to take a look at this little tutorial over here



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