I would like to have a specific divider after my posts.
I have 3 dividers -> divider1,divider2,divider3
Basicly i would like for them to loop, so after post 1 i get divider1, post 2-> divider2, post3->divider3, post 4 ->divider1 etc...
This is my code:
<div class="post">
&l开发者_如何转开发t;div class="post-title">
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"
title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<div class="post-date">
<?php the_time('j-n-Y') ?><br/>
<div class="entry">
<?php the_excerpt();?>
<div class="meta">
<span class="post-cat"><?php the_category(',') ?></span>
<span class="post-comments"> <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments', '1 Comment', '% Comments'); ?></span>
<div class="divider1"></div>
so the class should loop from divider1 to divider2 to divider3 to divider1 and keep on looping, can anyone help me?
Make a counter and check its modulus to cycle 1 to 3 (actually we'll use 0 to 2)
// Start counter at 0
$counter = 0;
// This is your loop
foreach ($posts as $post) {
// Now a switch will determine which divider to use.
// We'll select class divider1 divider2 or divider3 based
// on the current counter position. This will keep looping no
// matter how many posts you have
switch ($counter % 3) {
case 0: // output divider 1
$divider_class = 'divider1';
case 1: // output divider 2
$divider_class = 'divider2';
case 2: // output divider 3
$divider_class = 'divider3';
// All your HTML is output here...
// Skipping most of it for brevity, but the important part is the divider...
<div class="<?php echo $divider_class;?>"></div>
// EDIT Forgot the important step of incrementing the counter...
// Don't forget to close your loop
There are other ways you could do this. For example, without the switch you can set the divider class directly with the modulus:
// Alternate method - no switch and less typing but less flexible
$divider_class = "divider" . ($counter % 3);
<div class="<?php echo $divider_class;?>">