Hello I'm trying to make a simple web chat, and I want the user to choose his name when he first load the chat page and for this I'm using this function:
function Login(un)
var x=prompt("Please enter your name","");
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// Използваните браузъри
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// Кой ли ползва тези версии..
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
I put this in the head section and then in the body onload... I call the function but can't figure out how to extract the text from the prompt box.I tried
But obvously that's not the way, so, please help. Thanks Leron
var x=prompt("Please enter your name","");
Then x has the value entered in the prompt.
var login = getElementsByName('loginboxname').value;
Just make sure you replace "loginboxname" with the actual name of your login box. The variable "login" should then the value of that box.