and I am tearing my hair out!!
Even something simple like this work:
procedure MyAdoQueryTest();
const MYSQL_CONNECT_STRING='Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=%s;Port=3306;Database=%s;User=%s;Password=%s;Option=3;';
var AdoConnection : TADOConnection;
ADOQuery : TADOQuery;
Param : TParameter;
AdoConnection := TADOConnection.Create(Nil);
AdoConnection.ConnectionString := Format(MYSQL_CONNECT_STRING,['localhost',
AdoConnection.LoginPrompt := False;
AdoConnection.Connected := True;
ADOQuery := TADOQuery.Create(Nil);
ADOQuery.Connection := AdoConnection;
ADOQuery.SQl.Add('SHOW :what_to_show');
Param := ADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByName('what_to_show');
Param.DataType := ftString;
Param.Value := 'databases';
ADOQuery.Prepared := true;
ADOQuery.Active := True;
(btw, do I really need to use the 'Param' variable and 3 statements, or can I just ` ADOQuery.Parameters.ParamByName('what_to_show').Value := 'databases';?)
Anyway, when I run it, I get an exception at ADOQuery.SQl.Add('SHOW :what_to_show');
which says "Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of the acceptable range or are in conflict with one another".
What I am trying to do is to make 2 central functions: one which will accept and execute any SQL statement which will not re开发者_StackOverflow中文版turn any data (such as INSERT INTO) and oen which will (such as SELECT).
I currently have these working with AdoConnection only, but am now trying to use AdoQuery because I want to parametrize my SQL statements to handle strings with quotes in them.
I can has halpz?
The error is here:
ADOQuery.SQl.Add('SHOW :what_to_show');
The :Param
can only be used for values, not for dynamic column/keyword/table/database names.
This is because if it worked like that you'd have an SQL-injection risk depending on the contents of your parameter.
In order to fix that you'll have to inject your what_to_show
thingy into the SQL-string.
Like so:
what_to_show: string;
what_to_show:= 'tables';
ADOQuery.SQL.Text:= ('SHOW '+what_to_show);
Now it will work.
Make sure test everything you inject into the SQL to prevent users from being able inject their SQL-code into your queries.
Parameters prevent SQL injection, but because you cannot use them here you need to check them against a list of pre-approved values. e.g. a
holding all the allowed what_to_shows.Escaping or use of special chars is useless.
Safe injection example code
what_to_show: string;
i: integer;
inputapproved: boolean;
what_to_show:= lower(trim(someinput));
i:= 0;
inputapproved:= false;
while (i < WhiteList.count) and not(inputapproved) do begin
inputapproved:= ( what_to_show = lower(Whitelist[i]) );
end; {while}
if inputapproved then ADOQuery.SQL.Text:= ('SHOW '+what_to_show);