I have a piece of code that uses Microsoft-specific extension to the C++:
interface __declspec(uuid("F614FB00-6702-11d4-B0B7-0050BABFC904"开发者_开发技巧))
ICalculator : public IUnknown
What does this sentence expand to? How can I rewrite it with ANSI C++?
It's not a macro so it doesn't "expand" to anything. It merely decorates the type with a given UUID in the object file metadata, which can then be extracted later with the __uuidof operator.
You can also use templates (traits), if you need to statically "attach" a guid to the interface. Consider:
In a common h-file you create an empty unspecialized template:
template<typename TInterface> struct TInterfaceTraits {}
When defining your interface, write a template specialization for it (or you can write it in any other place including just before usage):
class ICalculator : public IUnknown
template<> struct TInterfaceTraits<class ICalculator > {
static GUID guid() {
return IID_ICalculator ;
Then to get it's uuid you can write something like:
ICalculator *pCalcFace;
pObject->QueryInterface(TInterfaceTraits<ICalculator>::guid(), (void**)pCalcFace);
Of cause you can write (I leave it to you) a template wrapper to QueryInterface, which will use the traits to automatically supply proper guid, and that will be even easier to use, i.e.
ICalculator *pCalcFace = QueryInterface<ICalculator>(pObject);