I am newbie to Designing, one of my friend suggests me stackoverflow community so here by i am posting my question.
I want to create a similar menu to the website given bel开发者_JS百科ow for my practice
Please suggest any resource,help which will solve my problem.
Regards, Salma
I would suggest checking out making these menus in CSS3, which is now capable of producing them more cleanly than AJAX. Here's a good tutorial: http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/css3-dropdown-menu
Hi and welcome to stackoverflow. The skills required to create a menu like in your URL, comes after a very indepth study of various CSS concepts such as positioning, floats, box-model, to name a few. You would need to spend some time studying and experimenting with these. These are the ones, I found useful.
A List Apart
Max Design
Menu Maker