
F# quotations object graph

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-14 15:10 出处:网络
In C# I could create a string representation of an object graph fairly easily with expression trees. public static string GetGraph<TModel, T>(TModel model, Expression<Func<TModel, T>&g

In C# I could create a string representation of an object graph fairly easily with expression trees.

public static string GetGraph<TModel, T>(TModel model, Expression<Func<TModel, T>> action) where TModel : class
            var method = action.Body as MethodCallExpression;
            var body = method != null ? method.Object != null ? method.Object as MemberExpression : method.Arguments.Any() ? method.Arguments.First() as MemberExpression : null : action.Body as MemberExpression;
            if (body != null)
                string graph = GetObjectGraph(body, typeof(TModel))
                return graph;
            throw new Exception("Could not create object graph");

In F# I've been looking at Quotations to attempt to do the same thing, and can't quite figure it out. I've attempted converting the quotation into an Expression using the PowerPack libraries, but have had no luck so far, and the information on the internet seems fairly sparse on this topic.

If the input is:

let result = getGraph myObject <@ myObject.MyProperty @>

the output should be "myobjec开发者_开发百科t.MyProperty"

You can see what you get from quotation expression in fsi session:

> let v = "abc"
> <@ v.Length @>;;
val it : Expr<int>
= PropGet (Some (PropGet (None, System.String v, [])), Int32 Length, [])

> <@ "abc".Length @>;;
val it : Expr<int>
= PropGet (Some (Value ("abc")), Int32 Length, [])

You can find description of all active patterns available to parse qoutations into


under your F# installation directory or at msdn site

There is nice Chris Smith's book "Programming F#" with chapter named "Quotations" :)

So, after all, just try to write simple parser:

open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns

let rec getGraph (expr: Expr) =
  let parse args =
    List.fold_left (fun acc v -> acc ^ (if acc.Length > 0 then "," else "") ^ getGraph v) "" args
  let descr s = function
    | Some v -> "(* instance " ^ s ^ "*) " ^ getGraph v
    | _ -> "(* static " ^ s ^ "*)"
  match expr with
  | Int32 i -> string i
  | String s -> sprintf "\"%s\"" s
  | Value (o,t) -> sprintf "%A" o
  | Call (e, methodInfo, av) ->
    sprintf "%s.%s(%s)" (descr "method" e) methodInfo.Name (parse av)
  | PropGet(e, methodInfo, av) ->
    sprintf "%s.%s(%s)" (descr "property" e) methodInfo.Name (parse av)
  | _ -> failwithf "I'm don't understand such expression's form yet: %A" expr

P.S. And of course you will need some code to translate AST to human readable format.

I'm unsure what the state of things was back when you asked this question, but today you can convert an F# Quotation to an Expression using the PowerPack like so:

<@ "asdf".Length @>.ToLinqExpression()

Also, I've been developing a library Unquote which is able to decompile many F# Quotations into F# single-line non-light syntax code. It can easily handle simple instance PropertyGet expressions like your required input / output:

> decompile <@ "asdf".Length @>;;
val it : string = ""asdf".Length"

See my answer to a similar question for more information or just visit Unquote's home page.



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