this is probably a noob question, but since I am new to Flash and AS3, here it goes...
Can I somehow re-use a AS3 NetConnection?
I am trying to create a AMFPHP class, that handles the connection, so I can re-use that initial connection whenever I want to make a call to a AMFPHP method.
Here is my code thus far,
package com.utils
public class amfphp
private var gateway:String = "http://localhost/amfphp/gateway.php";
private var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection;
private function con(gate:String, con:NetConnection):void {
//connect to the gateway file
return con;
Thanx in advance!
That's right, your solution is workable. One little thing what I say because you said you are are new to as3. Your function can't return with the connection object, because the return value is set to void.
All the best.