Im very new to Ruby on Rails 3 and ActiveRecord and seem to have been thrown in at the deep end at work. Im struggling to get to grips with querying data from multiple tables using joins.
A lot of the examples Ive seen either seem to be based on much simpler queries or use < rails 3 syntax.
Given that I know the business_unit_group_id and have the following associations how would I query a list of all related Items and ItemSellingPrices?
class BusinessUnitGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :business_unit_group_items
class BusinessUnitGroupItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :business_unit_group
belongs_to :item
belongs_to :item_selling_price
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :business_unit_group_items
class ItemSellingPrice < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :business_unit_group_items
I'm confused as to whether I need to explicity specify any joins in 开发者_JAVA百科the query since the associations are in place.
Basically, you do not need to specify the joins:
# This gives you all the BusinessUnitGroupItems for that BusinessUnitGroup
# BusinessUnitGroupItem seems to be a rich join table so you might
# be iterested in the items directly:
class BusinessUnitGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items through => :business_unit_group_items
# and/or
has_many :item_selling_prices, through => :business_unit_group_items
# Then this gives you the items and prices for that BusinessUnitGroup:
# If you want to iterate over all items and their prices within one
# BusinessUnitGroup, try this:
group = BusinessUnitGroup.include(
:business_unit_group_item => [:items, :item_selling_prices]
# which preloads the items and item prices so while iterating,
# no more database queries occur