I'm given a graph which can have more than one arch between 2 nodes.
Example :
4 nodes 1->2 2->3 3->4 3->4 1->4
Which is the开发者_开发问答 optim way to find the number of the roads from node A to node B ?
The answer for the example is 3 : 1->2->3->4 ; 1->2->3->4 and 1->4
Limit for nodes and archs are 1 000 000
I'm only thinking at a brute force algorithm.
Any other ideas? Edit:
graph is acyclic
If the graph is cyclic then the result is +infinity, since you can run in a cycle as often as you like.
One idea that might work on an acyclic directed graph:
- Order all nodes in a way so that for any two connected nodes the parent node comes always before the child node
- Assign 0 to all nodes
- Assign 1 to the start node
- Iterate over the nodes in that order starting with the start node and do
- If the node is the end node you're done
- Foreach connection starting on this node(i.e. it is the parent) do
- Add the value of the current node to the child node
- The number assigned to the end node is your desired result
Ordering in the nodes isn't trivial though. But I'm sure you can find an algorithm for that, since it's a common problem when using DAGs.
There is no optimal way. This Problem is a NP Complete problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedback_vertex_set
You can only find good solutions