Essentially, I'm grabbing source code which contains entities such as &
and >
which I would like to replace with & and >, respectively. A simple string replace would be completely exhaustive because there are hundreds of possible entities that could show up in the source code. Is there a built-in or standard way to do it so I don't have to type up a hundred lines of string replacements?
Thanks! 开发者_StackOverflow :)
Perhaps the WebUtility.HtmlDecode Method is what you're looking for
The article gives an example using Powershell to call it
HTMLDecode Sample - Using PowerShell
This script encodes and decodes an HTML String
This script used
File Name : Show-HtmlCoding.ps1
Author : Thomas Lee -
Requires : PowerShell Version 2.0
This script posted to:
MSDN sample posted tot:
PSH [C:\foo]: .\Show-HtmlCoding.ps1
Original String: <this is a string123> & so is this one??
Encoded String : <this is a string123> & so is this one??
Decoded String : <this is a string123> & so is this one??
Original string = Decoded string?: True
# Create string to encode/decode
$Str = "<this is a string123> & so is this one??"
# Encode String
$Encstr = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($str)
# Decode String
$Decstr = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlDecode($EncStr)
# Display strings
"Original String: {0}" -f $Str
"Encoded String : {0}" -f $Encstr
"Decoded String : {0}" -f $Decstr
$eq = ($str -eq $Decstr)
"Original string = Decoded string?: {0}" -f $eq
I would use a sed console command and make a small script for that. Try to google sed 1-lines. I bet you like it.