I have a form like this:
('last', 'Last Year'),
('this', 'This Year'),
('next', 'Next Year'),
class MonthlyTotalsForm(forms.Form):
range = forms.ChoiceField(choices=RANGE_CHOICES, initial='this')
It's displayed in the template like this:
{{ form.range }}
In some situations I don't want to show the 'Next Year' option. Is it possible to remove this option in the view where the form is created?
class MonthlyTotalsForm(forms.Form):
range = forms.ChoiceField(choices=RANGE_CHOICES, initial='this')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
no_next_year = kwargs.pop('no_next_year', False)
super(MonthlyTotalsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if no_next_year:
self.fields['range'].choices = RANGE_CHOICES[:-1]
MonthlyTotalsForm(request.POST, no_next_year=True)