<asp:GridView ID="gv_Recruit" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%"
runat="server" OnRowCreated="gvStates_RowCreated"
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="key" DataField="key" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Name" DataField="Name" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Quota" DataField="Quota" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Session" DataField="Sess" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCities" Width="100%" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddl_selected">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Recruiter" DataField="Recruiter" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="MN Phone" DataField="MN Phone" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Cell Phone" DataField="Cell Phone" />
Code Behind:
protected void ddl_selected(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _dd_value = ((DropDownList)sender).SelectedValue;
string trying_to_get = gv_Recruit.Rows[???].Cells[0].Text.ToString();
string also_tried = gv_Recruit.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text.ToString();
Basically what I'm trying to do is get the key value from the first row when the drop down is changed so I can perform an update ???
Can't figure this out.
Thanks in advance for the help...
GridViewRow gRow = (GridViewRow)(sender as Control).Parent.Parent;
string trying_to_get = string.Empty;
if (gRow != null)
trying_to_get = gRow.Cells[0].Text;