If I don't click in the editor before clicking on my custom button, the HTML CONTENT appear but everything else disapear... The thing is that I'm developping this plugin for public use so I don't want that people erase them content by error, is there a way to set a insert point ? Here is the line that insert content code :
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, 'HTML CONTENT');
i've tried to add this before the mceInsertContent with no success :
tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand("mce_editor_0", "mceFocus");
Long code here :
(function() {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.EmbedText', {
init : function(ed, url) {
ed.addButton('EmbedText', {
title : 'Embed Text',
image : url+'/../images/text.png',
onclick : function() {
var textprompt = prompt("Question", "Exemple");
if (textprompt != null && textprompt != '开发者_如何学编程undefined')
tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand("mce_editor_0", "mceFocus"); //Tried this to set the focus to be shure to don't erase everything but still not working...
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, textprompt );
createControl : function(n, cm) {
return null;
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : "Embed Text",
author : 'ME',
authorurl : 'http://perdu.com/',
infourl : 'http://perdu.com/',
version : "1.0"
tinymce.PluginManager.add('EmbedText', tinymce.plugins.EmbedText); })();
Thank you for those who's helping !
I found that tinyMCE lose focus and drops it on whole document, so do the following before mceContentInsert, it should fix the problem if that happend:
var ed = tinyMCE.activeEditor, selectedNode = ed.selection.getNode();
if(ed.dom.doc === selectedNode) {
After a couple of test, FF, IE, Safari and Opera working fine, the only browser who erase the content of the editor is Chrome... It's the browser I use... that's why I havn't seen it's a chrome issue sorry !