I have two entitis, User and User1 (which extends User with @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)
, adding some extra information like email, phonenumber and so on... attributes not required for the entity User).
Now... User user
is already persisted.
I would like, in future, to be able to cast this user, providing that extra data, doing something like this:
User1 user1 = (User1)user;
I've tried this solution, but of course... it doesn't work! (Casting Exception Returned).
Any idea? A开发者_JS百科ny help? Thanks.
Casting in Java doesn't work that way. You can only cast to Objects you actually extend from.
What you could do is provide a Copy Constructor in your extended Entity:
public ExtendedUser(BasicUser user){
But there's no way to cast something into something it doesn't extend. That's called type safety and is one of the most important aspects of Java.
- Java Language Specification: 5.1.6 Narrowing Reference Conversions