I have the following string which forces my Python script to quit:
"625 625 QUAIL DR UNIT B"
I need to delete the extra spaces in the middle of the string so I am trying to use the following split join script:
import arcgisscripting
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)
gp.OverWriteOutput = True
gp.Workspace = "C:\ZP4"
fcs = gp.ListWorkspaces("*","Folder")
for fc in fcs:
print fc
rows = gp.UpdateCursor(fc + "//Parcels.shp")
row = rows.Next()
while row:
Name = row.GetValue('SIT_FULL开发者_运维问答_S').join(s.split())
print Name
row.SetValue('SIT_FULL_S', Name)
row = rows.Next()
del row
del rows
Your source code and your error do not match, the error states you didn't define the variable SIT_FULL_S
I am guessing that what you want is:
Name = ' '.join(row.GetValue('SIT_FULL_S').split())
Use the re module...
>>> import re
>>> str = 'A B C'
>>> re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str)
'A B C'
I believe you should use regular expressions to match all the places where you find two or more spaces and then replace it (each occurence) with a single space.
This can be made using shorter portion of code:
re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', your_string)
It's a bit unclear, but I think what you need is:
" ".join(row.GetValue('SIT_FULL_S').split())