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“eval” in Scala
I know scala is a compiled language, but I do also know that I can dynamically load classes into the jvm, and I can call the scala compiler at runtime, last but not least I do also have an awesome repl, so having scala as a scripting language should be possible.
so there are some tasks I need to get to run:
simple interpret:
val src = """开发者_如何转开发 println("Hello World") """
call external functions:
object A{
def foo =
println("Hello World")
val src = """ A.foo """
implement functionality:
trait T{
def foo:String
val src = """ class A extends T{ def foo = "Hello World" } """
val t = loadClassAndCreatInstance.asInstanceOf[T]
it would be great to get a solution to all my problems.
somehow I already found out how to use scala as scripting language but I still have a problem with the classLoader
object O{
def foo = println("Hello World in object O")
trait T{
def foo:String
object MyInterpreter extends App{
val srcA =
println("Hello World from srcA")
val srcB = """ O.foo """
val srcC = """
class A extends T{
def foo = "Hello World from srcC"
override def toString = "this is A in a src"
val out = System.out
val flusher = new java.io.PrintWriter(out)
val interpreter = {
val settings = new import scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerSettings( println _ )
new scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain(settings, flusher)
val classA = interpreter.classLoader.findClass("A")
val constructors = classA.getDeclaredConstructors
val myinstance = constructors(0).newInstance()
//this still throws an classCastException
//but everything else works
See my answer here: "eval" in Scala
(I assume you are already aware of scala interactive mode, and how to write executable scripts with a Scala-compatible shebang #!