I'm new to objective-c. I have an NSMutableArray . I wrote this:
for (int i=0; i<[allCombinations count]; i++)
NSString *date = [[allCombinations objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"keydate"];
NSString *cachdepeDate = [date substringToIndex:8];
How can i see if cachdepeDate is alrady exsit in my NSMutbleArray?
If it is not exist how do I add it?
Should I make for loop, or there is a method for this?
Can i sort the NSMutbleArray?开发者_如何学JAVA
Dates are in this format: "20110531" "YYYYMMDD". Thank you!
Use the following
[yourArray containsObject:cachdepeDate];
NSArray already has the containsObject:
method. But even if it didn't, this would be simple to write:
for (id object in array) {
if ([object isEqual:cachdepeDate]) {
// it's in there