How should one configure an Azure Webrole when using a TCP-based WCF on the same ports as IIS?
An 开发者_开发技巧on-premise solution would typically use WAS activation, however this usually involved setting permissions on the HTTP ports etc. In Windows Azure this interface isn't readily available.
The best way to host a WCF service in an Azure WebRole is using Windows Activation Service (WAS). Typically this is needed when you want to provide web content (HTTP) and some TCP-based WCF service on the same ports (80 or 443).
Here is a PowerShell script that will enable the TCPPortSharing service, and configure IIS appropriately. Although this works for Azure, with slight modification you can use this for an on-premise Windows 2008 R2 server as well.
#adding this to be sure that IISConfigurator has a chance complete
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Starting...$([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
Start-Sleep -s 300
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Adding Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime..."
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime
while (!$?)
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Failed to add Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime, retrying after five seconds..."
sleep 5
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "...done adding Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
#Start the Net.TCP Port Sharing and Net.Tcp Listener Adaptor services.. (TODO:Not sure if we need to set this to auto)
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Setting NetTcpPortSharing & NetTcpActivator service startup to auto... $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
Set-Service NetTcpPortSharing -StartupType Automatic
Set-Service NetTcpActivator -StartupType Automatic
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "...done Setting NetTcpPortSharing & NetTcpActivator service startup to auto ... $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Starting NetTcpPortSharing & NetTcpActivator services ... $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
Start-Service -name NetTcpPortSharing
Start-Service -name NetTcpActivator
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "... done Starting NetTcpPortSharing & NetTcpActivator services $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
#Get the Role Instance Id
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Getting the RoleInstance ID... $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
$roleInstance = Get-RoleInstance -current
$roleInstanceId = $roleInstance.Id
$siteName = '_Web' #This is the site name from the <Site> tag in ServiceDefinition.csdef
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Instance ID : $roleInstanceId"
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "... done Getting the RoleInstance ID $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
#Create the bindingCmd
#Add-Content -path .\trace.txt "Building commands ..."
#$addBindingCmd = "set site `"" + $roleInstanceId + "_" + $siteName + "`" -+bindings.[protocol='net.tcp',bindingInformation='808:*']"
#$enableNetTcpCmd = "set app `"" + $roleInstanceId + "_" + $siteName + "`" /enabledProtocols:http,net.tcp"
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value $addBindingCmd
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value $enableNetTcpCmd
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value "...done Building commands"
set-alias appCmd $env:windir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value "Adding Net.Tcp binding... $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
#add the binding..
#appCmd $addBindingCmd
appCmd set site `"$roleInstanceId$siteName`" /debug -+"bindings.[protocol='net.tcp',bindingInformation='808:*']" >>trace.txt
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value "done Adding Net.Tcp binding"
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value "Enable Net.Tcp... $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"
#appCmd $enableNetTcpCmd
appCmd set app "$roleInstanceId$siteName/" /debug /enabledProtocols:"http,net.tcp" >> trace.txt
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value "done Enable Net.Tcp"
Add-Content -path .\trace.txt -value "End $([Datetime]::Now.ToString())"