I have the route
map.member 'members/:id/:name_url', :controller => 'members', :action => 'show', :requirements => { :id => /\d+/ }
and on my Member model I have a name_url method whic开发者_运维问答h takes the name and converts it to lowercase and changes spaces to dashes
the problem is that if I run
link_to "Bill", member
it gives me an "member_url failed to generate from" error
is there a way to achieve that? I was thinking a view helper that generated the link, but I couldn't access that from the controller if I needed to...
Assuming this is the show action of the MembersController
class MembersController
def show
@member = Member.find_by_name("Bill")
In app/views/members/show.html.erb
, You'll want to use:
<%= link_to @member.name, member_path(@member, :name_url => "something") %>
The problem is the :name_url parameter in your route:
map.member 'members/:id/:name_url', :controller => 'members', :action => 'show', :requirements => { :id => /\d+/ }
When you pass an ActiveRecord object as an option for url_for (which is what link_to does), Rails will implicitly call the model's to_param method. Which unless overridden only returns id the id. You could override to_param, but that won't give you the url you want. Because to_param is used to create the string that replaces id in urls. The best you could do with minimum changes is settle for something like this:
where :id is actually :id-:name_url
Really the best option is what Dan McNevin suggests. However if that's too long for you, you can always just make it a helper:
def link_to_member member
link_to member.name, member_url(member, :name_url => member.name)
And use it in place of link_to.
link_to "Bill", member
=> link_to_member member