I have created a tab based application for iphone. when the 1st tab presses a first view will present. this view contains a button, on pressing it another view loads.
Code is:
-(IBAction)buttonPressed: (id) sender
Cities *cv=[[Cities alloc] initWithNibName:@"Cities" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:cv animated:YES];
[cv release];
Now problem is that this view is loading in whole screen so that I am not able to access tab bar. I have set the frame for this view and the view is loading in this frame, -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 400); } but in remaining part wh开发者_如何学Cite screen is appearing means tab bar is not accessible.
I want that whatever will be load at any time tab bar should be always accessible.
Please help me out.
cv.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
Have you tried using UINavigationController
inside your tabbar to dig inside your UIViewControllers
for Ref : Adding NavigationController to Tabbar
do you really need a viewController Class for what you are trying to display??
if der's no core functionality being used, i think it will be much easier with UIView
Happy Coding :)