I followed the guide on the facebook developer site, yet I'm having this same problem with my multi-view application. I basically want to authenticate the use when they land on the home page, and then be able to pull dialog windows in other 开发者_运维问答view controllers. I had hoped the initial SSO dialog would appear based on my problem, and the code I placed in the app delegate file as per the guide.
Another thread exists for this problem, but the solution wasn't accepted. (Facebook iOs sdk iphone : Call from multiple viewcontroller)
I tried Jeffrey's solution (since the authorization dialog wasn't popping up when the app starts up).
I get the warning:
Sending 'ViewController *' to parameter of incompatible type 'id<FBSessionDelegate>'
and the app crashes. What else should i be checking?
At least to fix your warning and crash there, I suspect you need to create a new viewcontroller class that implements the FBSessionDelegate
protocol and pass that instead