
How would I play audio in Python 2.6.6 while displaying text?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-08 07:49 出处:网络
I am trying to make a program with Python开发者_高级运维 2.6.6 that displays text while having audio playing in the background. I have only completed some of the text.

I am trying to make a program with Python开发者_高级运维 2.6.6 that displays text while having audio playing in the background. I have only completed some of the text.

print "Well here we are again"
print "It’s always such a pleasure"
print "Remember when you tried to kill me twice?"
print "Oh, how we laughed and laughed"
print "Except I wasn’t laughing"
print "Under the circumstances I’ve been shockingly nice."

I have a .wav file that I would like to play at the beginning of the program. I would also like the text to play in cue with the music (I would be able to specify when the text displays during the song such as 00:00:02). I assume this would be possible with an audio module of some sort.


I did a similar thing recently and used the audiere module

import audiere
ds = audiere.open_device()
os = ds.open_array(input, fs)

This will open the first available audio device, since you're on windows it's probably DirectSound. input is just a numpy array, fs is the sampling frequency (since the input is a raw array you'll need to specify that). os.play() is a non-blocking call so you can print your txt or whatever you need to do at the same time, there are other methods to pause/stop etc. To play other file types I simply converted them to wav first.

Here's how I unpacked the wav file

def wave_unpack(fname):
  input: wave filename as string 
  output: left, right, params

  unpacks a wave file and return left and right channels as arrays
  (in case of a mono file, left and right channels will be copies)

  params returns a tuple containing:
  -number of audio channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo)
  -sample width in bytes
  -sampling frequency in Hz
  -number of audio frames
  -compression type
  -compression name
  import sndhdr, os, wave, struct
  from scipy import array
      assert os.path.isfile(fname), "file location must be valid"
  assert sndhdr.what(fname)[0] == 'wav', "file must have valid header"
    wav = wave.open(fname)
    params = (nchannels,sampwidth,rate,nframes,comp,compname) = wav.getparams()
    frames = wav.readframes(nframes*nchannels)
  out = struct.unpack_from ("%dh" % nframes*nchannels, frames)
  if nchannels == 2:
    left = array(out[0::2])
    right = array(out[1::2])
  elif nchannels == 1:
    right = left = array(out)
    assert 0, "number of channels must be 1 or 2"
  return left, right, params

So for example to make input and fs you could go:

from scipy import c_
left, right, params = wave_unpack(fn)
fs = params[2]
left_float  =  left.astype('f')/2**15
right_float = right.astype('f')/2**15
stereo = c_[left_float, right_float]
input = mono = stereo.mean(1)

This suited me but my requirements were for FFT input, not karaoke :)

I'm sure audiere has stereo playback just by giving a 2-dim array.

You may find pygame helpful.


What you need is the GStreamer for Python.

Check this tutorial, it's a good place to start.

EDIT: In Windows you can use the winsound module from standard library (Whoa! Python has that!) See winsound docs.



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