I'm trying to override a DataGridViewCheckBox so that it takes it's boolean value from whether an object is in a collection (essentially a predicate), and when the value is set it adds/removes the object from the collection as appropriate.
Furthermore, I want this value to be checked when the checkbox is displayed (but I can't set Value until after the DataGridView is assigned开发者_JS百科). I've tried various combinations of method overrides on the CheckBoxCell (GetValue/SetValue don't seem to work), and any solution I try seems unneccessarily complicated.
Whats the best, most sensible and least hacky way to override the checkboxcell value in this way?
I guess you can create a custom MyDataGridViewCheckBoxCell and override its GetFormattedValue to return true\false depending on the existence cell's value in your collection; and SetValue to modify the collection. Please see if an example below would work fine for you; not sure if it's the best way to do this but it's not hacky that's for sure :)
private static List<string> ItemsList = new List<string>();
// fill in collection list
ItemsList.AddRange(new string[] { "a", "c" });
// create columns
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn column0 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
{ HeaderText = "column1", DataPropertyName = "Column1"};
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn column1 = new NewDataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()
{ HeaderText = "column2", DataPropertyName = "Column2"};
dataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn[] { column0, column1 });
// create data rows
dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] {"a", "a" });
dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] { "b", "b" });
dataSet1.Tables[0].Rows.Add(new object[] { "c", "c" });
// custom datagridview checkbox cell
public class MyDataGridViewCheckBoxCell : DataGridViewCheckBoxCell
public MyDataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
FalseValue = false;
TrueValue = true;
protected override Object GetFormattedValue(Object value,
int rowIndex,
ref DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
TypeConverter valueTypeConverter,
TypeConverter formattedValueTypeConverter,
DataGridViewDataErrorContexts context)
// check if value is string and it's in the list; return true if it is
object result = (value is string) ? Form1.ItemsList.IndexOf((string)value) > -1 : value;
return base.GetFormattedValue(result, rowIndex, ref cellStyle,
valueTypeConverter, formattedValueTypeConverter, context);
protected override bool SetValue(int rowIndex, Object value)
if (value!=null)
// change collection
if (value.Equals(true))
// dump list into console
foreach (string item in Form1.ItemsList)
Console.Write("{0}\t", item);
return true;
// custom datagridview column
public class NewDataGridViewCheckBoxColumn : DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
public NewDataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()
CellTemplate = new MyDataGridViewCheckBoxCell();
hope this helps, regards