I was trying add the retina icon to SVN but seem to have trouble checking it in.
I tried svn add Icon@2x.png svn add Icon\@2x.png but neither of them works.
Any 开发者_JS百科help will be appreciated.
Thanks RS
You need to do this ...
svn add Icon@2x.png@
It doesn't matter how you escape the '@' symbol, the reason this happens is because SVN thinks the last '@' is to specify a revision number (@REV format). To get around it you need to put another '@' symbol at the end of the file-name.
svn add Icon@2x.png@
If you need to add multiple files it can be a pain to type them all in manually, but you can use xargs to automate this:
ls *2x.png | xargs -I x svn add x@
wouldn't be better to make it recursive? (Just suggestion for / update of previous answer)
find . -name "*2x.png" |xargs -I x svn add x@