How can I handle static varibles inside my server session?
I have 30 different functions with no real realtion on the server, but they currently share data over some st开发者_如何学运维atic varibles (I know this is bad, but I was just testing it). Now if I have different clients connecting to the server, they would interfear with each other an no client would get the right data.
So I wondered what a good way to handle this diferent Session datas without passing twenty refernce to the other objects to a class when creating a class.
Another problem is, that the classes instanciate threads, so I can't be shure, that the actions are completed when I send the responses back to the server. (So switchin the current static varibles depending on the client is not an option)
If you don't want to put all these things in the session (session.setAttribute(..)
and .getAttribute()
) then perhaps you can use a map of maps:
public static Map<String, Map<String, Object>> sessionValues = ...
and set/get from that map. Where:
- the key of the 1st map is the session id (can be obtained via
- the key of the 2nd map is the property name
- the value of the 2nd map is the property value
Thus you will be able to have values unique to sessions without relying on the servlet API.