Is it possible to calculate an mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc. of a colum开发者_高级运维n of data?
In general, is it possible to do these sorts of math calculations in SQL Server Reporting Services?
If so, how can it be done?
Expanding on @Homer's answer, the code below can be used to get both the Median and the Mode. I needed Integers but it would be a quick change to accept Decimal or Double.
Dim values As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
Dim valueCounts As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Integer, Integer)
Function AddValue(newValue As Integer) As Integer
AddValue = newValue
If Not valueCounts.ContainsKey(newValue) Then
valueCounts.item(newValue) = 1
valueCounts.item(newValue) += 1
End If
End Function
Function GetMedian() As Double
Dim count As Integer = values.Count
If count = 0 Then
Return 0
If count Mod 2 = 1 Then
Return values(CInt((count / 2) - 0.5))
Dim index1 As Integer = count \ 2
Dim index2 As Integer = index1 - 1
Dim value1, value2 As Integer
value1 = values(index1)
value2 = values(index2)
Return (value1 + value2) / 2
End If
End If
End Function
Function GetMode() As String
Dim max As Integer = 0
For Each v As Integer In valueCounts.Values
If v > max Then
max = v
End If
Next v
Dim maxCount As Integer = 0
Dim retValue As String = ""
For Each vcKvp As System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer) In valueCounts
If vcKvp.Value = max Then
maxCount += 1
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(retValue) Then
retValue &= ", "
End If
retValue &= vcKvp.Key
End If
Next vcKvp
If maxCount = valueCounts.Count Then
Return "N/A"
End If
Return retValue
End Function
Here is Median()
From Report Design Tips and Tricks...
Scenario 1
1: In Report Designer, open the Report Properties dialog box and click the Code tab. Define an array, a function that takes a value and adds it to the array, and a function that calculates the median value from the array;
Dim values As New SystemCollections.ArrayList
Function AddValue(newValue As Decimal) As Decimal
AddValue = newValue
End Function
Function GetMedian() As Decimal
Dim count As Integer = values.Count
If (count > 0)
GetMedian = values(count\2)
End If
End Function
2: Wrap the call to the function in an aggregate and add it to an expression in the detail rows.
3: From a text box in the table footer, call into GetMedian() to retrieve the value
Here is how I'm getting Mode for Ages:
Declare @Temp Table(Id Int Identity(1,1), Data Decimal(10,5))
Insert into @Temp Select DATEDIFF (YY, EmployeeCustomTabFields.CustDOB, GETDATE()) -
Case When (MONTH(EmployeeCustomTabFields.CustDOB)=MONTH(GETDATE()) AND DAY(EmployeeCustomTabFields.CustDOB) > DAY(GETDATE()) OR MONTH (EmployeeCustomTabFields.CustDOB) > MONTH (GETDATE()))
Then 1 Else 0 End as Age
From EM
inner join EmployeeCustomTabFields on EmployeeCustomTabFields.Employee = EM.Employee
Where EmployeeCustomTabFields.CustDepartment = '23 - Piping Design' and EM.Status = 'A' and EM.Type in ('A','B','C')
Select Top 1 with ties DATA
From @Temp
Group By DATA
Order By COUNT(*) DESC