I have a scenario where I have t开发者_如何学Co change the order by field based on some condition.
from summaryRows in _summaryTable.AsEnumerable()
where summaryRows.Field<string>("AirlineDisplayName")
.Equals(airlineName_, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
orderby summaryRows.Field<decimal>("FareAdult")
select new
summaryTableRow = summaryRows
Based on the condition, I have to change the order by field to orderby summaryRows.Field<double>("BasePricePlusTaxAndFees")
Here, both the field data type is different. How can I do it in one query?
I think this will be the most readable using fluent Linq syntax and introducing an if-statement while building the query.. Since you do not explain your condition, I assume that you have a boolean variable called condition with the appropriate value:
var query = _summaryTable.AsEnumerable()
summaryRows => summaryRows.Field<string>("AirlineDisplayName")
.Equals(airlineName_, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (condition)
query = query.OrderBy(summaryRows => summaryRows.Field<decimal>("FareAdult"));
query = query.OrderBy(summaryRows => summaryRows.Field<double>("BasePricePlusTaxAndFees"));
var resultQuery = query.Select(summaryRows => new
summaryTableRow = summaryRows
Disclaimer: I have not tested it, but good luck.
What about this:
orderby conditionIsTrue ? (IComparable)summaryRows.Field<double>("BasePricePlusTaxAndFees") : (IComparable)summaryRows.Field<decimal>("FareAdult")