I have an issue with the static method in ASP.NET. I created the Singleton below. During the execution process I will call Context.getInstance() several times and I need the same context value. But, once I make another request (Get, Post, wherever) to the server I need a new context because my context is dependant from .NET HttpContext. But, unfortunately once I call getInstance for the first time the class never will be i开发者_如何学编程nstantiated again.
Any ideas how I solve this problem?
public class Context
private static Context _context = null;
private Context()
{ ... }
public static Context getInstance()
if (Context._context == null)
_context = new Context();
return _context;
Get rid of your static variable and store it in HttpContext.Current.Items
public static Context GetInstance()
if (HttpContext.Current.Items["MyContext"] == null)
HttpContext.Current.Items["MyContext"] = new Context();
return (Context)HttpContext.Current.Items["MyContext"];
If I understand you correctly, you need the context only in a single page request, correct? If so, the method above certainly won't work - the static will live for the life of the app domain. This lifetime can vary depending on a number of factors. I would start by creating a base page class (inheriting from the core ASP.NET Page class) and include a Context property on it. Since the page only "lives" for one request, that should work for you.
Another approach - I prefer using my own ThreadStatic variables (ala HttpContext.Current) rather than use the HttpContext Items collections simply because I think (an opinion) that it makes for cleaner code. YMMV.
public class Context
private static Context _Context = null;
private HttpContext _HttpContext = null;
public Context()
_HttpContext = HttpContext.Current;
public static Context Current
if(_Context == null ||
_HttpContext != _HttpContext.Current)
_Context = new Context();
return _Context;
if your variable is static then all user will access that same variable and any change to that variable will effect all users in case of web-application only, the logic is when your are making a variable static then a memory location is allocated in server when this location is allocated all users share that location only because it is static.