In my Grails 1.3.7 project I have a domain class like this:
class User {
String login
String password
String name
String passwordConfirmation
static constraints = {
login unique:true, blank:false, maxSize:45
password password:true, blank:false, size:8..45,
matches: /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?!.*\s).*/
name blank:false, maxSize:45
passwordConfirmation display:true, password:true, validator: { val, obj ->
if (!['password'].equals(val)) {
return ['password.mismatch']
static transients = ['passwordConfirmation']
String toString() {
And I'm using scaffold for the corresponding create/edit actions.
My problem is that even if I marked passwordConfirmation constraint to be displayed, it isn't shown at the scaffold views. Is there something that I'm missing to make transient properties to be displayed? Is it possibl开发者_高级运维e?
By default grails doesn't create the fields in views for transient properties. You could manually add them on each view or if you have a lot of them and are using the scaffolded views you could do the following:
Install the view templates:
grails InstallTemplates
Then open the relevant templates in src/templates/scaffolding
and modify the line that reads:
persistentPropNames = domainClass.persistentProperties*.name
persistentPropNames =*.name
for each of the templates. This is a bit of a bodge, but it should work and you can further edit the template to include/exclude any properties you like.