I'm trying to call some functions whenever the show/hide events happen on my DateField. I believe these should fire when the menu widget opens and closes. So far, I haven't been able to get my test alert() methods to appear.
<body> <div id="dateField"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function() { var dField = new Ext.form.DateField({ format: 'M d, Y', fieldLabel: 'Date', allowBlank:false, disabledDays: [0, 6], enableKeyEvents :true, forceSelection: true, menuListeners: { hide:{fn:function() { alert("Bye"); }}, show:{fn:function() { alert("Hi"); }} }, listeners:{ select:{fn:function(combo, value) { alert("select"); }} } }); dF开发者_StackOverflowield.render('dateField'); }); </script> </body>
menuListeners? I am not aware of such a property. In ExtJS all event methods go into listeners.
select: function(combo, value) {
hide: function(comp) {
show: function(comp) {
Now, you hide and show methods will be called accordingly.